Friday, May 4,
2012, Sergeant Major Florinel Enache of 282 Mechanized Infantry Battalion was
gravely injured, while on a reconnaissance mission in Zabul province,
Afghanistan. The Romanian soldier, who was serving under the NATO ISAF command
on behalf of the Romanian Armed Forces, suffered severe wounds caused by the
detonation of an improvised explosive device.
It was a miracle that he survived the blast.
Sergeant Major
Florinel Enache was urgently evacuated from Afghanistan and, due to the
surgical interventions and sustained efforts of U.S. physicians, his life was
saved with the price of amputating both legs and the left arm, above the elbow.
The Romanian soldier spent a year under treatment at ”Walter Reed National
Military Medical Center” in Bethesda, Maryland, United States, where he underwent
multiple lifesaving surgeries and engaged in aggressive physical therapy
programs to improve his recovery. On May
10, 2013 he finally received a highly specialized wheelchair, as prescribed by
the medical experts at ”Walter Reed” and procured by the Romanian Ministry of
National Defense. He was repatriated to
Romania via military medical transport, arriving in Bucharest on 15 May 2013 to
full military honors. Sergeant Major
Enache was told by representatives of the Romanian Ministry of National Defense
that he would have to be returned to the U.S. sometime in the next few months,
in order to be fitted for prosthetic legs.
As of 21 May 2013, he is under continued medical care at the Romanian
military hospital in Bucharest.
Sergeant Major
Florinel Enache was born in Gura Caliţei, a village of Vrancea County, he is
married and has a son aged 20.
The life of the
Romanian hero and his family is dramatically changed as they all learn how to
confront the new challenges His critical health condition will require
continuous care from his family, as well as long-term and complex medical
treatment and special new accommodations in his Romanian home. At this
difficult time, Florinel Enache and his family need emotional, spiritual, and
financial support.
The „Saint Andrew” Romanian Orthodox Church of
Potomac, MD. continues this humanitarian call for the support of the Romanian
soldier and his family to all persons who wish to help. Any contribution is
welcome and will be provided directly to the family for their many needs.
Donations can be sent:1. by check to:
Biserica Ortodoxa Romana Sfantul Andrei
Att: "For Florinel"
2. online via the PayPal account of the Biserica Ortodoxa Romana Sfantul Andrei by clicking the Donate button below:
All the collected funds (minus the PayPal fees, if applicable, retained according to the PayPal fees schedule) will contribute to the purchase, among others, of needed modifications to the Enache home, specialized medical equipment such as the hospital bed recommended by the Walter Reed doctors, hip and leg prosthesis, a wheelchair accessible vehicle, travel arrangements for him and/or his family and other needs they may have.
For any questions regarding this fund raising please contact: Mihai Rada ( or directly Florinel at his Romanian phone number (011)-(4)-0762-414-154 .
As of May 10, 2013 an amount of more then $3100 from more then 30 donors was collected.
Thank you for your contribution!